MMORPG PROFILE provides information and reviews on MMORPG's that are not neceserally combat orientated. Because the majority of the games are focused on battle and it is hard to find an MMO that you like which isn't focused on fighting. This website will help you find the mmo you love
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Mabinogi 2 and Maplestory 2
I found out that Nexon are planning to release Mabinogi 2 and Maplestory 2. I'm not sure if these are just rumors but i don't really feel all that hyped up about the news since i currently play Mabinogi and the thought of Mabinogi 2 coming out and me having to start the game from scratch doesn't sound that great after i spent so much time into playing the first one. I don't know for sure if this is true and if it is true whether or not the original Mabinogi will get shut down or not, maybe they will even let people transfer some of their character data on to the new Mabinogi such as levels and premium items purchased. As for Maplestory i am not such a big fan of it but i do know it has a large and loyal fan base and i don't know if they would be too pleased having to start playing from scratch considering level cap on Maplestory is quite high and takes a very long time to reach and players who have reached it would probably be the least happy with losing all that and starting from the beginning again.
Friday, 22 July 2011
MMORPGs on Xbox 360 and PS3
I don't see why MMORPGs couldn't be implemented in consoles. I mean the PC gamers would have a clear advantage but the console players could at least be provided with something to Even out the odds. MMORPGs on consoles would greatly increase the playerbase of the games and become a lot more popular as there are more and more people playing consoles each day.
Epic Warcraft ad
Probably my favourite Warcraft ad mainly because it's pretty random
Currently the most popular free MMORPG
Free MMORPGs are starting to get more popular than the ones you need to pay for such as World of Warcraft. I'm pretty sure Maple Story used to be the biggest thing a couple years ago along with runescape although runescape is still very popular, but right now i think the title has to go to Lord of the Rings Online. Mainly because of it's amazing graphics and questing system, a lot of MMORPG players are turning from World of Warcraft to Lord of the Rings online. Another thing that makes it so popular is that the Lord of the Rings movies have a loyal fan base so i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of lord of the ring fans play the game. It is said to out do WoW in graphics and best of all it is free, the only time you need to pay for it is if you want to purchase items from the item mall which you really don't have to but it's there to help you and give you an extra boost. I think it's only a matter of time before this game surpasses WoW if it hasn't already.
MMORPG requirements
A lot of new MMORPGs that are coming out make it hard to keep up for some people in terms of their system performance. There are some MMORPGs out there that need proper gaming computers in order to run them. And as time passes the games require higher system requirements. Eventually this leads to people needing to buy new PCs as their old ones cant keep up. For example a computer from about 8 years ago would either not be able to run most MMORPGs or it would lag a lot on most of them making some of them even unplayable due to the extent of the lag.
Misleading World of Lordcraft Advertisements
First it was Evony and now its World of Lordcraft, except World of Lordcraft takes it to the next level by showing half naked girls and classing itself as an 18+ game. Also the name World of Lordcraft can be seen as a rip off from World of Warcraft. I guess they are not breaking any rules (somehow) but they are clearly misleading people with ads such as these:

I hope this wont set a trend for future MMORPGs to mislead it's audience in this way.

Sunday, 17 July 2011
Aika PVP review
Aika is said to hold the future of PVP MMORPGs. It is said it is capable of supporting pvp battles of as many players as 1,000 vs 1,000. I must admit i don't think any other MMORPG is capable of that, not even World of Watcraft which i have played for quite a while and have been in many city raids and most i have seen was 100+ people. Aika is an MMORPG owned by Gpotato which are makers of Flyff (also a very good MMORPG :P). Aika is fairly new as it only came out last year and it seems to be getting good reviews. But just because it is capable of supporting possibly the largest pvp scale battles doesn't necessarily mean it has the best PVP system, in my opinion nothing will beat EVE online in terms of PVP :).
Maplestory Too much grinding
I played the game a while ago and I just can't understand how people can play that game and not get bored of it, i think i got to level 20 before i quit. And the highest level is lvl 200 or so, i quit at 20 because after around level 20 there is barely any quests to do so all you do is just grind non stop. Maple story isn't as popular as it used to be but it's still pretty popular and has a large and loyal player base. It is a big surprise to me how big it got and the amount of MMOs that decided to copy Maplestory by making pretty much clone versions of Maplestory. Maplestory does have a lot of content though such as the large amount of dungeons and bosses as well as classes and skills. The graphics aren't exactly the best in the world but the gameplay is easy, fun and simple.
Jagex games similar to Runescape
Until recently i didn't realise how many games Jagex (makers of runescape) had released besides runescape. It turns out they heave dozens of browser games all of which aren't too popular which would explain why i havent found out about them until now. A lot of them look similar to runescape and there are new games being released by Jagex all the time. Some of which are yet to be released and others that are now in closed beta. Check out some of the games at For the list of Jagex games.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Ways to earn fast money on runescape
There are a lot of very simple ways to earn fast money on runescape and you don't need to be high level, membership or any skills to level up. These methods are very quick and simple and require very little work and effort to earn lots of money fast.
1. You can go to any pub/Inn in runescape and buy the stouts which you can then sell in grand exchange for a lot more.
2. Buying vials and then filling them with water. This is due to a lot of lazy members who can't really be bothered to this so it ends up being a good way for newbies to earn money in exchange for their convenience.
3. Finally buying clay and turning it into soft clay with water, this is really useful since there is always a lot of people out there who want to level their crafting so you can just buy clay from grand exchange use it with water, which turns it into soft clay and then sell for a lot more in grand exchange
1. You can go to any pub/Inn in runescape and buy the stouts which you can then sell in grand exchange for a lot more.
2. Buying vials and then filling them with water. This is due to a lot of lazy members who can't really be bothered to this so it ends up being a good way for newbies to earn money in exchange for their convenience.
3. Finally buying clay and turning it into soft clay with water, this is really useful since there is always a lot of people out there who want to level their crafting so you can just buy clay from grand exchange use it with water, which turns it into soft clay and then sell for a lot more in grand exchange
Lord of the rings online free to play
Lord of the rings online was made free not too long ago and instead of making people purchase subscriptions to keep playing they released an item mall like many other MMORPGs have in order to make the MMORPG easier and help players progress faster with cash only items. Another MMORPG that has done a similar thing was Dungeons and Dragons which proved to be a very good decision because when Dungeons and Dragons was charging people with subscriptions to play it wasn't very popular and wasn't doing very well. But when they switched away from subscriptions Dungeons and Dragons proved to be a massive success. Similar impact on Lord of the rings online, this probably goes to show that people aren't as willing to pay for subscriptions for MMOs anymore and item malls are probably the way to go.
Most complicated MMORPGs
A lot of MMORPGs aren't exactly made to be quite as easy as it should be for a lot of players, Some have very confusing interfaces and gameplay styles which don't follow the usual mainstream MMORPG styles. MMOs like Second life and Mabinogi are very unique in their own way and make it hard for new players or even the hardcore MMORPG players to adjust to the new gameplay. Best thing for new players is to start playing less advanced and complex MMORPGs such as runescape or World of Warcraft.
Increasing number of MMORPGS
There has been more and more MMORPGs comming out lately. A lot of MMORPGs are becoming more unique than the previous MMORPGs ranging from golf to racing styled MMOS. As the number of MMORPGs increases so does the competition therefore in a way MMORPG companies are losing players due to new companies coming out with improved MMORPGs. Also the increase is making it hard for older MMORPG Companies to keep charging their players for subscriptions as it is a well known trend for new MMORPGs to introduce item malls instead of subscriptions.
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