MMORPG PROFILE provides information and reviews on MMORPG's that are not neceserally combat orientated. Because the majority of the games are focused on battle and it is hard to find an MMO that you like which isn't focused on fighting. This website will help you find the mmo you love

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Browser MMORPGs Vs Downloadable MMORPGs

A lot of MMORPGs lately have been coming out as browser MMORPGS and there is competition between browser MMORPGS and Downloadable MMORPGs. The reason why a lot of people prefer browsers is because they require no download and can be accessed from any computer without the need to download anything although a lot of the 3D browser MMORPGS do require certain plug-ins to be installed for the game to run. But although browser MMORPGS are more convenient, the performance in terms of graphics and game play are inferior to downloadable MMORPGs. Although downloadable MMORPGS are less convenient, they provide players with possibly a lot more content and much better graphics and game play. Also they tend to lag less than browsers and the only downside is that you are required to download and install the MMORPG in order to play it. But neither is better as it purely depends on which MMORPG suits you as there are debates on for example which MMORPG is better runescape(browser MMORPG) or World of Warcraft(downloadable MMORPG) and there have been many different opinions on both of them.

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