MMORPG PROFILE provides information and reviews on MMORPG's that are not neceserally combat orientated. Because the majority of the games are focused on battle and it is hard to find an MMO that you like which isn't focused on fighting. This website will help you find the mmo you love
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Anime Styled Naruto and Bleach MMORPG- Pockie Ninja
Pockie Ninja is a browser based mmo which has characters from the anime bleach and naruto as NPC's. It has some fun skills and stories from both the anime and since naruto and bleach are very high anime with a very large fanbase, i can see how this could appeal to a lot of people. The game is completely influenced by the anime and almost everything in the game relates to it with popular areas within the anime and all kinds of other small details. Check the game out at http://ninja.game321.com/

Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Mabinogi 2 and Maplestory 2
I found out that Nexon are planning to release Mabinogi 2 and Maplestory 2. I'm not sure if these are just rumors but i don't really feel all that hyped up about the news since i currently play Mabinogi and the thought of Mabinogi 2 coming out and me having to start the game from scratch doesn't sound that great after i spent so much time into playing the first one. I don't know for sure if this is true and if it is true whether or not the original Mabinogi will get shut down or not, maybe they will even let people transfer some of their character data on to the new Mabinogi such as levels and premium items purchased. As for Maplestory i am not such a big fan of it but i do know it has a large and loyal fan base and i don't know if they would be too pleased having to start playing from scratch considering level cap on Maplestory is quite high and takes a very long time to reach and players who have reached it would probably be the least happy with losing all that and starting from the beginning again.
Friday, 22 July 2011
MMORPGs on Xbox 360 and PS3
I don't see why MMORPGs couldn't be implemented in consoles. I mean the PC gamers would have a clear advantage but the console players could at least be provided with something to Even out the odds. MMORPGs on consoles would greatly increase the playerbase of the games and become a lot more popular as there are more and more people playing consoles each day.
Epic Warcraft ad
Probably my favourite Warcraft ad mainly because it's pretty random
Currently the most popular free MMORPG
Free MMORPGs are starting to get more popular than the ones you need to pay for such as World of Warcraft. I'm pretty sure Maple Story used to be the biggest thing a couple years ago along with runescape although runescape is still very popular, but right now i think the title has to go to Lord of the Rings Online. Mainly because of it's amazing graphics and questing system, a lot of MMORPG players are turning from World of Warcraft to Lord of the Rings online. Another thing that makes it so popular is that the Lord of the Rings movies have a loyal fan base so i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of lord of the ring fans play the game. It is said to out do WoW in graphics and best of all it is free, the only time you need to pay for it is if you want to purchase items from the item mall which you really don't have to but it's there to help you and give you an extra boost. I think it's only a matter of time before this game surpasses WoW if it hasn't already.
MMORPG requirements
A lot of new MMORPGs that are coming out make it hard to keep up for some people in terms of their system performance. There are some MMORPGs out there that need proper gaming computers in order to run them. And as time passes the games require higher system requirements. Eventually this leads to people needing to buy new PCs as their old ones cant keep up. For example a computer from about 8 years ago would either not be able to run most MMORPGs or it would lag a lot on most of them making some of them even unplayable due to the extent of the lag.
Misleading World of Lordcraft Advertisements
First it was Evony and now its World of Lordcraft, except World of Lordcraft takes it to the next level by showing half naked girls and classing itself as an 18+ game. Also the name World of Lordcraft can be seen as a rip off from World of Warcraft. I guess they are not breaking any rules (somehow) but they are clearly misleading people with ads such as these:

I hope this wont set a trend for future MMORPGs to mislead it's audience in this way.

Sunday, 17 July 2011
Aika PVP review
Aika is said to hold the future of PVP MMORPGs. It is said it is capable of supporting pvp battles of as many players as 1,000 vs 1,000. I must admit i don't think any other MMORPG is capable of that, not even World of Watcraft which i have played for quite a while and have been in many city raids and most i have seen was 100+ people. Aika is an MMORPG owned by Gpotato which are makers of Flyff (also a very good MMORPG :P). Aika is fairly new as it only came out last year and it seems to be getting good reviews. But just because it is capable of supporting possibly the largest pvp scale battles doesn't necessarily mean it has the best PVP system, in my opinion nothing will beat EVE online in terms of PVP :).
Maplestory Too much grinding
I played the game a while ago and I just can't understand how people can play that game and not get bored of it, i think i got to level 20 before i quit. And the highest level is lvl 200 or so, i quit at 20 because after around level 20 there is barely any quests to do so all you do is just grind non stop. Maple story isn't as popular as it used to be but it's still pretty popular and has a large and loyal player base. It is a big surprise to me how big it got and the amount of MMOs that decided to copy Maplestory by making pretty much clone versions of Maplestory. Maplestory does have a lot of content though such as the large amount of dungeons and bosses as well as classes and skills. The graphics aren't exactly the best in the world but the gameplay is easy, fun and simple.
Jagex games similar to Runescape
Until recently i didn't realise how many games Jagex (makers of runescape) had released besides runescape. It turns out they heave dozens of browser games all of which aren't too popular which would explain why i havent found out about them until now. A lot of them look similar to runescape and there are new games being released by Jagex all the time. Some of which are yet to be released and others that are now in closed beta. Check out some of the games at http://www.jagex.com/ For the list of Jagex games.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Ways to earn fast money on runescape
There are a lot of very simple ways to earn fast money on runescape and you don't need to be high level, membership or any skills to level up. These methods are very quick and simple and require very little work and effort to earn lots of money fast.
1. You can go to any pub/Inn in runescape and buy the stouts which you can then sell in grand exchange for a lot more.
2. Buying vials and then filling them with water. This is due to a lot of lazy members who can't really be bothered to this so it ends up being a good way for newbies to earn money in exchange for their convenience.
3. Finally buying clay and turning it into soft clay with water, this is really useful since there is always a lot of people out there who want to level their crafting so you can just buy clay from grand exchange use it with water, which turns it into soft clay and then sell for a lot more in grand exchange
1. You can go to any pub/Inn in runescape and buy the stouts which you can then sell in grand exchange for a lot more.
2. Buying vials and then filling them with water. This is due to a lot of lazy members who can't really be bothered to this so it ends up being a good way for newbies to earn money in exchange for their convenience.
3. Finally buying clay and turning it into soft clay with water, this is really useful since there is always a lot of people out there who want to level their crafting so you can just buy clay from grand exchange use it with water, which turns it into soft clay and then sell for a lot more in grand exchange
Lord of the rings online free to play
Lord of the rings online was made free not too long ago and instead of making people purchase subscriptions to keep playing they released an item mall like many other MMORPGs have in order to make the MMORPG easier and help players progress faster with cash only items. Another MMORPG that has done a similar thing was Dungeons and Dragons which proved to be a very good decision because when Dungeons and Dragons was charging people with subscriptions to play it wasn't very popular and wasn't doing very well. But when they switched away from subscriptions Dungeons and Dragons proved to be a massive success. Similar impact on Lord of the rings online, this probably goes to show that people aren't as willing to pay for subscriptions for MMOs anymore and item malls are probably the way to go.
Most complicated MMORPGs
A lot of MMORPGs aren't exactly made to be quite as easy as it should be for a lot of players, Some have very confusing interfaces and gameplay styles which don't follow the usual mainstream MMORPG styles. MMOs like Second life and Mabinogi are very unique in their own way and make it hard for new players or even the hardcore MMORPG players to adjust to the new gameplay. Best thing for new players is to start playing less advanced and complex MMORPGs such as runescape or World of Warcraft.
Increasing number of MMORPGS
There has been more and more MMORPGs comming out lately. A lot of MMORPGs are becoming more unique than the previous MMORPGs ranging from golf to racing styled MMOS. As the number of MMORPGs increases so does the competition therefore in a way MMORPG companies are losing players due to new companies coming out with improved MMORPGs. Also the increase is making it hard for older MMORPG Companies to keep charging their players for subscriptions as it is a well known trend for new MMORPGs to introduce item malls instead of subscriptions.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Why is it a good and bad idea to start your own MMORPG
There are many people out there who wish to have their own MMORPG. Especially MMORPG gamers fantasize about having their own MMORPG and doing whatever they wish on the game while gaining steady income from doing next to nothing, but i am going to list all the cons and pros of owning your own MMORPG as a way to show that there is always 2 sides to everything.
Pros of owning your own MMORPG:
Pros of owning your own MMORPG:
- Earn money for doing what you love
- Be your own boss
- Make decisions that suit you
- Respect from your Players
- Have to keep up with the competition as many new MMORPGs come out all the time and evolve
- Have to make it big and gain a loyal player base before you can even think about earning money
- Spend lots of time, work and money creating the MMORPG and a lot of money in maintaining it
Problems with starting a new MMORPG
A lot of people have problems starting new MMORPGs and the following is a list of probably the biggest problems when you are wanting to start up a new MMORPG.
1. Lack of knowledge about the game mechanics and game street knowledge
2. Having to start from scratch
3. Have to start as a newb with no experience
4. Have a Long way to go to reach anywhere high
5. Have to download and sign up to the MMORPG
I personally have had a lot of trouble overcoming these problems sometimes and it can be very hard to start a MMORPG you never played before especially when you have reached a high level on a different MMORPG. But the best way to start a new MMO is to stay positive and enjoy the game play and try not to get consumed by all the cons of starting a new MMORPG
1. Lack of knowledge about the game mechanics and game street knowledge
2. Having to start from scratch
3. Have to start as a newb with no experience
4. Have a Long way to go to reach anywhere high
5. Have to download and sign up to the MMORPG
I personally have had a lot of trouble overcoming these problems sometimes and it can be very hard to start a MMORPG you never played before especially when you have reached a high level on a different MMORPG. But the best way to start a new MMO is to stay positive and enjoy the game play and try not to get consumed by all the cons of starting a new MMORPG
Monday, 16 May 2011
Hard time sticking to 1 MMORPG
A lot of MMORPG players have problems with sticking to just one MMORPG and with the constant increase in variety of MMORPGs it is becoming increasingly harder to decide which MMORPG is right for you. The best way to decide which MMORPG you would rather stick with depends on you, ignore all the people who tell you which MMORPG is best or which is better than the other because its all down to prefference. Ways of deciding what you should play and stick to for a long time is by making sure you enjoy the gameplay and dont feel like its becoming a task playing it but instead find it pleasurable. Also keep in mind that the game has to have features that appeal to you such as proffesions, housing system, marriage system etc.. Finally a good thing to consider is the community of the game and wheather or not the game has bad experiences with hacking or is currently full of hackers or bots as these things can really affect you while you're playing and take a lot of the fun out of the game
MMORPGS and Anime
A lot of MMORPGs have been influenced by anime for example pockie ninja which has both bleach and naruto influences, the new-ish dragon ball MMORPG. But majority of MMORPGs just have anime styled graphics and the characters or style isn't based on any specific anime. The MMORPG industry must have realised that anime is a very popular thing now amongst teens and even adults which make up the MMORPG community therefore mixed anime with MMORPG and it has paid off a lot MMORPGs such as Flyff, MapleStory, Grand Fantasia etc are some of the most popular MMORPGs out there today.
MMORPGs with most hacking
This is my list of MMORPGs of which i am aware of that have seen a lot of success and still have seen a large amount of hacking.
5-S4 League
S4 League is a shooter MMORPG which is quite popular and very unique in its matrix-like gameplay but it has had its fair share of hackers too. The main types of hacks seen on this game are speed hacks and as well as invincibility hacks which obviously would ruin the game for anyone.
4-Audition online
This is a dancing MMORPG also quite popular and one of the few of its kind. There are all sorts of hacks for this game and since this game replies on timing it therefore has a hack to give you perfect combos no matter how much your timing may be off as well as reset hacks which reset the amount of money (beats) you get for completing each song.
3-Endless Online
Not as popular as most MMORPGs but it has had its fair share of success, and even though the game is still up its community is significantly lower and its downfall has been caused by the endless amounts of hacks that have been created by the community of the game. The list of hacks include invisibility hacks, speed hacks, ghost hacks, weight hack, botting, duplicating and much more. The game has been completely exploited by hackers.
2-Silkroad online
Silkroad is a very successful game but unfortunetly its biggest downfall is the vast amount of botters on it. In the starter areas especially you will find hundreds of bots farming low level monsters, certainly not a pretty sight to see.
Possibly the most popular free to play MMORPG out there and it has been having botting problems for as long as i can remember. Especially now the botting is on such a large scale that the economy keeps growing and prices droping at a very fast rate. Jagex do manage to stop botting but there is always a new method of botting that is introduced afterwards so it is an endless struggle between Jagex and the hackers
5-S4 League
S4 League is a shooter MMORPG which is quite popular and very unique in its matrix-like gameplay but it has had its fair share of hackers too. The main types of hacks seen on this game are speed hacks and as well as invincibility hacks which obviously would ruin the game for anyone.
4-Audition online
This is a dancing MMORPG also quite popular and one of the few of its kind. There are all sorts of hacks for this game and since this game replies on timing it therefore has a hack to give you perfect combos no matter how much your timing may be off as well as reset hacks which reset the amount of money (beats) you get for completing each song.
3-Endless Online
Not as popular as most MMORPGs but it has had its fair share of success, and even though the game is still up its community is significantly lower and its downfall has been caused by the endless amounts of hacks that have been created by the community of the game. The list of hacks include invisibility hacks, speed hacks, ghost hacks, weight hack, botting, duplicating and much more. The game has been completely exploited by hackers.
2-Silkroad online
Silkroad is a very successful game but unfortunetly its biggest downfall is the vast amount of botters on it. In the starter areas especially you will find hundreds of bots farming low level monsters, certainly not a pretty sight to see.
Possibly the most popular free to play MMORPG out there and it has been having botting problems for as long as i can remember. Especially now the botting is on such a large scale that the economy keeps growing and prices droping at a very fast rate. Jagex do manage to stop botting but there is always a new method of botting that is introduced afterwards so it is an endless struggle between Jagex and the hackers
Not enough Horror MMORPGs
I have noticed that there are barely any horror MMORPGs out there. It can be a very popular industry and the only popular horror MMORPG out there is requiem bloodymare. Which is a good game and has very good graphics although its the only one of its kind and none of the other MMORPG companies tried to create anything similar to it. Although considering how good requiem bloodymare is i suppose it would be quite hard for another company to match it with another horror MMORPG. Therefore currently Requem Bloodymare is dominating the horror MMORPG genre but that is not to say that its the only horror MMORPG, also Hellgate London used to be a successful horror MMORPG but it has been shut down for several years now.
Runescape constant drop in prices
The Runescape community continues to decrease due to the number of botters. And apperently Jagex haven't been doing much to stop them either. This continues to worry the runescape community as the time they spend fishing, mining, woodcutting etc.. could all be pointless at this moment because as soon as the botting stops the prices will probably go back up again. We all know botting will never completely be stopped but the least that could be done is to reduce the extent at which the botting has come to where every server is flodded with bots. This could cause problems for Jagex as many people might decide to start quitting runescape
Runescape lack of free member quests
Runescape have lately been releasing and updating a couple free member quests, Although the ammount of member quests surpases the free member quests by a very large amount. It is very obvious that Jagex are favouring the paying member community a lot more than the free player community, even though there are a lot more free players on runescape than paying members. It is very clear that Jagex are trying to persuade the non paying community to start paying for membership by offering quests on the non member worlds that are for members only as well as objects on non player worlds that can only be used on a paying member world.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Naruto and Bleach MMORPG
For everyone who are into anime and are Naruto and Bleach fans then this MMORPG could possibly be for you. Its called Pockie Ninja a 2D browser based MMORPG. Its quite a laid back mmorpg so don't expect any fast paced action. The game has a mix of character NPCs from both bleach and naruto anime. The storyline also has some major characters from both animes as well as places. If you want to check the game out go to the official link: http://ninja.game321.com/
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
2D MMORPGs have been the first MMORPGs ever made. 3D MMORPGs are known to do a lot better than 2D MMORPGs. Although this might be true it doesn't mean that 3D MMORPGs are better. A lot of people do prefer 2D MMORPGs to 3D ones because they are a lot simpler and laid back to play, where as 3D MMORPGS are more intense and complicated. MMORPGs such as maple story, gaia online, ragnaroak etc.. are all 2D MMORPGs that have seen a lot of success and are very popular in the MMORPG industry. But 3D MMORPGs will always lead the industry simply because of the better graphics and game play.
Browser MMORPGs Vs Downloadable MMORPGs
A lot of MMORPGs lately have been coming out as browser MMORPGS and there is competition between browser MMORPGS and Downloadable MMORPGs. The reason why a lot of people prefer browsers is because they require no download and can be accessed from any computer without the need to download anything although a lot of the 3D browser MMORPGS do require certain plug-ins to be installed for the game to run. But although browser MMORPGS are more convenient, the performance in terms of graphics and game play are inferior to downloadable MMORPGs. Although downloadable MMORPGS are less convenient, they provide players with possibly a lot more content and much better graphics and game play. Also they tend to lag less than browsers and the only downside is that you are required to download and install the MMORPG in order to play it. But neither is better as it purely depends on which MMORPG suits you as there are debates on for example which MMORPG is better runescape(browser MMORPG) or World of Warcraft(downloadable MMORPG) and there have been many different opinions on both of them.
Fiesta new Trickster class
Fiesta online has released a new class called the trickster class which is a dual wielding class. It can wield dual claws as well as dual blades. The Trickster is also known to be able to do damage in a very unique way. It can also specialize in Renegade or Reaper. The class is part of the new patch which will also give older Fiesta players 1,000 spark cash.
Trickster Strengths
Trickster Weaknesses
Trickster Strengths
- Fastest damage dealing class
- Poison and DoT damage
- Only class with the specialized "Soul" system, which allows the Trickster to collect souls and use them to deal more damage
Trickster Weaknesses
- Ranged damage
- Low defense
Monday, 4 April 2011
Runescape skillers
Many people on runescape are choosing to become skillers, a skiller is a player who decides to only level up his or her non- combat skills and try to get them as high as possible in order to show off or whatever the reason. There has been a lot of skillers on runescape lately and a way to recognise them is by seeing level 3's mining in the mining guild or chopping yew trees. Easiest skills to level up for a skiller are cooking, firemaking and woodcutting as these are possibly the quickest skills to get to 99. It is unknown who caused the skiller trend but it has been happening for quite a while now and there has been more and more players choosing to make skiller accounts
MMORPGs with a Fishing system
This is a list of MMORPGs that include fishing or are MMOS based on fishing.
Mabinogi Heroes
World of Warcraft
Free Realms
Pirates Online
Fishing Champ
Oz World
Grand Mer
Asda Story
Rohan Online
Lord of the Rings Online
Mabinogi Heroes
World of Warcraft
Free Realms
Pirates Online
Fishing Champ
Oz World
Grand Mer
Asda Story
Rohan Online
Lord of the Rings Online
Runescape Botting is back
It is becoming increasingly obvious that botting is back, it is at the point where there is no doubt about it. There has been bots on every server, the guild mine on each server has tons of bots mining coal as well as willow trees. Although this has been going on for a while and Jagex hasn't done anything to prevent bots yet it is only a matter of time before action is taken to either ban or stop the botters one way or another. This has contributed towards the rise in the economy and therefore decline in prices of lobsters, ores, logs etc... Making it even harder to earn money for casual players thus ruining the game. Also this will make the items that are discontinued to continue to go up while prices of almost everything else to go down thus forcing Jagex to act
Runescape Grand Exchange Party Hats
Party hats have been known to be increasing dramatically as the economy rises and party hats getting more and more rare the party hats are predicted to keep rising in price. Right now most of the party hats are over 1 billion and going up. The prices for party hats have been going up for a long time but lately they have been going up at a much faster rate they are currently the rarest items in the game, they have been out since runescape classic therefore they are so rare. And unless Jagex do anything like a holiday event with party hats/ Christmas crackers the prices of party hats will keep rising.
Item Malls
A lot of MMOs have been switching to item malls instead of monthly subscriptions. This might be because item malls give the player the option to pay instead of being required to pay. The player only has to pay if he or she wants to gain certain items instantly for a price of real money that would normally take a long time to get, or exp boosts and upgrades. Also item malls are a great way to prevent real life gold trading. Because by providing rare items for real money there is no point for players that want a short cut in the game to risk buying gold or rare items from other players for real money. Although this doesn't completely stop real life gold trading as there can be people who offer better offers for rare items than in the in-game item malls but it certainly does decrease it significantly. Most well known MMOS today have item malls and many players do use them as some items can only be gained through Item malls.
A lot of MMORPGs are becoming free for example lord of the rings online and dungeons and dragons online which used to require monthly subscriptions are now free although they still have item malls. A lot of MMOS are turning to item malls to earn profit because that way people aren't discouraged to pay for the MMORPG and have the ability to choose to pay for it in order to gain items faster. It is also predicted that eventually almost all MMOS will be free to play as there is increasingly more and more competition between MMOS. With some MMO companies providing MMORPGS that are just as good as the ones that require subscriptions with just as much content or even more than the MMORPG that require monthly subscriptions. This seems very likely since MMORPGs have already come a very long way to becoming free and more accessible compared to first MMORPGs which cost unbelievable amounts just for one hour.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Guitar Hero MMORPG
I noticed that there aren't any guitar hero or rock band like MMORPGs around at all. Although i realise it would be very unusual to have an MMORPG of this type but lately there have been all kinds of MMORPGs coming out and I'm surprised that not a single company has considered an MMORPG involving instruments. Although i don't think it will be long until a company will make an MMORPG of this type and hopefully it will be a good one. There has been one or two browser guitar MMORPGs but they have been closed down for some reason. Also there is lots of guitar hero simulations on PC out there such as JamLegend at http://www.jamlegend.com/ but nothing quite as progressive as an MMORPG where the player could purchase various guitars, have guitar battles, purchase clothing etc..
Poisonville 3D shooter browser MMORPG
Poisonville is a browser based mmorpg which is an mmorpg that is very similar to the GTA series. In the game you can do jobs for people, attack other gangs, steal cars etc.. The game obviously isn't as detailed as GTA but it is very similar to it and has a lot of similar content as GTA
Monday, 28 March 2011
Many MMORPGs allow players to be able to kill each other under certain circumstances e.g. pvp areas. Although this allows the players to be more competitive and enjoy killing each other and stealing each others loot it does have disadvantages.
MMORPGs with high risk PK/PVP
MMORPGs like Eudemons online, Runescape and Conquer online will cause the player to lose their loot if they die by another player given that the player is in a pvp/pk area. The good thing about this is that this makes the game really competitive and players spend large amounts of time on getting better at pk/pvp.
MMORPGs with low/none risk PK/PVP
These include MMORPGs such as WoW, Flyff and many others. PK in these MMORPGs wont cause you to lose your items, it is still competitive though as in WOW you obtain more rewards if your team wins therefore this is a good atlernitive to high risk MMORPGs although people tend to get bored of pvp/pking in MMORPGs like this.
MMORPGs with no PK/PVP
These include MMORPGs such as tales runner, Pngya, Fantasy Tennis etc.. These include absolutely no pvp/pk therefore there is less violence in the game and less people insulting and abusing each other. Although these MMORPGs don't appeal to everyone especially not the more hardcore MMORPG players, these MMORPGs are more suited for casual players.
MMORPGs with high risk PK/PVP
MMORPGs like Eudemons online, Runescape and Conquer online will cause the player to lose their loot if they die by another player given that the player is in a pvp/pk area. The good thing about this is that this makes the game really competitive and players spend large amounts of time on getting better at pk/pvp.
MMORPGs with low/none risk PK/PVP
These include MMORPGs such as WoW, Flyff and many others. PK in these MMORPGs wont cause you to lose your items, it is still competitive though as in WOW you obtain more rewards if your team wins therefore this is a good atlernitive to high risk MMORPGs although people tend to get bored of pvp/pking in MMORPGs like this.
MMORPGs with no PK/PVP
These include MMORPGs such as tales runner, Pngya, Fantasy Tennis etc.. These include absolutely no pvp/pk therefore there is less violence in the game and less people insulting and abusing each other. Although these MMORPGs don't appeal to everyone especially not the more hardcore MMORPG players, these MMORPGs are more suited for casual players.
Most annoying MMORPG soundtrack
The most annoying MMORPG soundtracks would have to go to Runescape. Not only that but the sounds of your enemies dying and getting attacked are really annoying as well. A lot of people who have played runescape admit that they turn the volume on runescape off while they play simply because it eventually gets too annoying. The songs on runescape are far too repetitive and the some sounds on it just sound too weird. The main reason for this might be that a lot of these sounds are outdated and have been on runescape for many years therefore they are quite old and sound annoying.
MMORPGs similar to final fantasy
I have noticed that a lot of MMORPGs have a very similar combat system to the final fantasy series games such as myth wars and atlantica online especially have have a very similar combat system to the final fantasy one. As well as a lot of new mmos that have came out recently have done the same, perhaps it is becoming a trend amongst mmorpgs since players have taken a liking to the final fantasy combat system. Although this probably doesn't appeal to every mmo player out there.
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Runescape types of scams
I have seen quite a few scams on runescape and have decided to do a list of scams that have been attempted on me or i have witnessed happen.
So here is my list:
Armor Trimming:
This scam involves the scammer claiming to be able to trim normal rune armor into trimmed rune armor which is significantly higher in price than normal rune armor. The scam is pretty simple and straight forward; the player gives the scammer the armor in hopes of it getting trimmed and the scammer runs of.
Item Swapping:
A lot of people have fallen for this scam due to lack of attention to what they're actually buying. The scam works when a scammer swamps an item that is high in value with something that is less valuable but looks very similar. This either be done by putting up the more valuable item and then canceling trade and pretending its an accident and then after trading again put up the less expensive item, quickly swapping the items while the player is putting up the gold or just doing it really quickly, putting up lots of items and changing the item while the player is distracted by the other items. This can be very easily avoided if the player looked at the confirmation screen since it was made specifically for scams like these :).
Drop Scamms:
Some scammers will ask you to drop all your items and claim that they can double their items by pressing alt + F4 , for those of you that don't know what alt + F4 does it closes your game therefore leaving the scammer to pick up all your items.
Trust Games:
At one point these have been incredibly successful and still are leaving the runescape community a lot less trusting along with many other games. The scam works by convincing other players to trust you, this works by getting a group of players in a quiet place and tell them to trust you with their items/gold and whoever trusts you the most will win a large amount of gold. This usually works by players trying to out bid each other by trading the scammer a certain amount of gold and the hacker trades it back and at the right time when the scammer receives a large amount of gold he or she keeps it and logs off. A lot of these kind of scammers work in groups in order to convince all the other players that its legit as the scammers pretend not to know each other.
Doubling scam:
This scam is effective but it can also backfire. The scam works when scammers claim to double another players gold. And when the player trades the scammer the gold in order for it to get doubled the scammer takes the gold and runes off. Although it can backfire when a scammer is trying to gain trust and starts doing small 'test' amounts where the scammer will actually double the players money by adding his own gold to it in order to gain the players trust and hope that the player will give a lot higher next time. The way this backfires is when the player doesn't want to give any more gold and just leaves after the test, if this persists the scammer ends up losing money instead of earning it.
Fake value scam:
This scam requires two scammers. It works when one of the scammers is selling an item at a very over-riced amount of gold and the other scammer is very close to him but not too close buying the same item for an even more over-priced amount. This can of course fool a lot of players into making a quick profit but as soon as the player buys the item both scammers log off.
Price change scam:
This scam involves the scammer changing the amount of gold that he is willing to give for an item for example from 1 million to 100k gold while the player isn't paying attention. Usually they offer a lot more than what the item is worth which gets the player excited and makes him rush without thinking and this ends up with them falling for the scam. Again the trade confirm window is the best way to avoid getting scammed like this.
Duplicating scams:
This scam is very simple, the scammer offers to duplicate a players item and as soon as the player hands over the item the scammer logs off. Probably the most basic scam and the best way to avoid it is not to trust strangers :).
So here is my list:
Armor Trimming:
This scam involves the scammer claiming to be able to trim normal rune armor into trimmed rune armor which is significantly higher in price than normal rune armor. The scam is pretty simple and straight forward; the player gives the scammer the armor in hopes of it getting trimmed and the scammer runs of.
Item Swapping:
A lot of people have fallen for this scam due to lack of attention to what they're actually buying. The scam works when a scammer swamps an item that is high in value with something that is less valuable but looks very similar. This either be done by putting up the more valuable item and then canceling trade and pretending its an accident and then after trading again put up the less expensive item, quickly swapping the items while the player is putting up the gold or just doing it really quickly, putting up lots of items and changing the item while the player is distracted by the other items. This can be very easily avoided if the player looked at the confirmation screen since it was made specifically for scams like these :).
Drop Scamms:
Some scammers will ask you to drop all your items and claim that they can double their items by pressing alt + F4 , for those of you that don't know what alt + F4 does it closes your game therefore leaving the scammer to pick up all your items.
Trust Games:
At one point these have been incredibly successful and still are leaving the runescape community a lot less trusting along with many other games. The scam works by convincing other players to trust you, this works by getting a group of players in a quiet place and tell them to trust you with their items/gold and whoever trusts you the most will win a large amount of gold. This usually works by players trying to out bid each other by trading the scammer a certain amount of gold and the hacker trades it back and at the right time when the scammer receives a large amount of gold he or she keeps it and logs off. A lot of these kind of scammers work in groups in order to convince all the other players that its legit as the scammers pretend not to know each other.
Doubling scam:
This scam is effective but it can also backfire. The scam works when scammers claim to double another players gold. And when the player trades the scammer the gold in order for it to get doubled the scammer takes the gold and runes off. Although it can backfire when a scammer is trying to gain trust and starts doing small 'test' amounts where the scammer will actually double the players money by adding his own gold to it in order to gain the players trust and hope that the player will give a lot higher next time. The way this backfires is when the player doesn't want to give any more gold and just leaves after the test, if this persists the scammer ends up losing money instead of earning it.
Fake value scam:
This scam requires two scammers. It works when one of the scammers is selling an item at a very over-riced amount of gold and the other scammer is very close to him but not too close buying the same item for an even more over-priced amount. This can of course fool a lot of players into making a quick profit but as soon as the player buys the item both scammers log off.
Price change scam:
This scam involves the scammer changing the amount of gold that he is willing to give for an item for example from 1 million to 100k gold while the player isn't paying attention. Usually they offer a lot more than what the item is worth which gets the player excited and makes him rush without thinking and this ends up with them falling for the scam. Again the trade confirm window is the best way to avoid getting scammed like this.
Duplicating scams:
This scam is very simple, the scammer offers to duplicate a players item and as soon as the player hands over the item the scammer logs off. Probably the most basic scam and the best way to avoid it is not to trust strangers :).
Runescape Doubling scam
A lot of players have been falling for a scam that became very popular when the trade limit has been removed. The doubling scam involves a player claiming that they can double money. They ask for players to give them money so that they could 'double' it for you. Although this is in fact a scam and doubling money is impossible on runescape. Although some money doubling scammers offer a test to players in order to gain their trust by actually doubling small amounts of gold using their own gold which eventually leads to the player giving larger amounts of gold. This can be used against the scammers however. Because players can choose to do the test for 5-10k gold, get it doubled and then just move on to the next scammer and do the same thing again. Therefore this scam can not only make you money but also lose you money. I have seen a lot of scams before and this one is by far the most costly if it goes wrong.
Top 10 3D Browser MMORPGS
This is a list of my top 10 3D browser MMORPGS which can be played through your Internet browser and although they don't need to actually be downloaded you still need to download some plug ins and other things in order for them to work although these don't take long. The list of MMORPGs go from 10-least to 1-best MMORPG
Friday, 25 March 2011
Runescape Staking
I have been doing some staking on runescape lately and have decided to write a bit about my experiences and hopefully give some tips on how to avoid losing too much money and hopefully make some profit from it.
First of all most people that stake or want to get into it should know that a lot of people spend many hours and make many different accounts in order to become as good as they can at staking.
Therefore don't expect to be winning lots of money straight away.
Majority of people staking are ranged and melee characters.
If you want to stake as a ranger you definitely need the upgrade called longbow sight from dungeoneering for your short bow it can be purchased with tokens obtained through dungeoneering and requires lvl 49 dungeoneering and lvl 45 ranged to use and 10k tokens. It adds significant damage to your bow and make rangers possibly the most dangerous opponents at staking even for melee characters with full rune.
If you choose to stake as melee then you can choose the following
Boxing: Focuses on defence and attack mostly while training only a small amount of str
Pure str: wear cloth or iron armor and strain your str mostly as well as some attack at leas
t enough to wield rune weapons.
Balanced: You can try and focus on str, attack and defence equally or add a bit more to either one of them.
Mages: I haven't seen many mages staking but they can definitely be good against melee by spamming snare and keeping a good distance although this can be quite hard to do.
Also you should always check the battle options before you start, for example: don't start a battle against a ranger or a mage when you're melee with no melee is selected or no prayer when you have a high prayer level. Always try and stay within 5 combat levels of your own and set a limit to how much you're willing to stake, good luck :).
First of all most people that stake or want to get into it should know that a lot of people spend many hours and make many different accounts in order to become as good as they can at staking.
Therefore don't expect to be winning lots of money straight away.
Majority of people staking are ranged and melee characters.
If you want to stake as a ranger you definitely need the upgrade called longbow sight from dungeoneering for your short bow it can be purchased with tokens obtained through dungeoneering and requires lvl 49 dungeoneering and lvl 45 ranged to use and 10k tokens. It adds significant damage to your bow and make rangers possibly the most dangerous opponents at staking even for melee characters with full rune.
If you choose to stake as melee then you can choose the following
Boxing: Focuses on defence and attack mostly while training only a small amount of str
Pure str: wear cloth or iron armor and strain your str mostly as well as some attack at leas
t enough to wield rune weapons.
Balanced: You can try and focus on str, attack and defence equally or add a bit more to either one of them.
Mages: I haven't seen many mages staking but they can definitely be good against melee by spamming snare and keeping a good distance although this can be quite hard to do.
Also you should always check the battle options before you start, for example: don't start a battle against a ranger or a mage when you're melee with no melee is selected or no prayer when you have a high prayer level. Always try and stay within 5 combat levels of your own and set a limit to how much you're willing to stake, good luck :).
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Most Addictive MMORPGs
List of what i think are the most addictive MMORPGs
10. Flyff
Although it has a very large player base i think it only reaches the 10Th spot because it is a very huge grind and doesn't have enough gripping content.
9. Guild Wars
Only has 20 levels but provides a lot of content such as lots of professions pvp, skills etc... and amazing graphics.
8. Silkroad Online
Great game play, no class in the game allowing the player to be a hybrid by mixing spells with melee although quests are a grind themselves.
7. Perfect World
Provides very detailed character customization, lots of quests, a lot of content, weekly events and a very large world to explore.
6. Ragnaroak
Is been known to be one of the best 2D MMORPGs because of the amazing class system and lots of content and really competittive pvp.
5. Lord of the rings online
An MMORPG that recently became free has become very popular. It has very detailed graphics, great quest system and great gameplay.
4. Everquest
Everquest has been known to have amazing pvp that's why it is one of the most addictive MMORPGs out there with intense game play and very is competitive.
A 2D MMORPG that instantly became popular. It may be a grind, taking forever to level and have a high level cap as well as lack of quests, but it has a a very large amount of content to keep players busy.
2. Runescape
Those who play it love it, those who don't hate it. It's the most popular free MMORPG out there but it also involves a monthly subscription for extra content which includes the majority of the content. It has lots of skills, quests, dungeons and so much more
1. World of Warcraft
Of course the number one most addictive MMORPG is World of Warcraft. Although it isn't free you get a lot for what you pay for. It has endless amount of quests, lots of dungeons, and the most addictive part of the game is only after you reach level cap, that's when you start doing dungeons and raids for better equipment, trinkets and weapons. It is a very addictive MMORPG and is known for it.
10. Flyff
Although it has a very large player base i think it only reaches the 10Th spot because it is a very huge grind and doesn't have enough gripping content.
9. Guild Wars
Only has 20 levels but provides a lot of content such as lots of professions pvp, skills etc... and amazing graphics.
8. Silkroad Online
Great game play, no class in the game allowing the player to be a hybrid by mixing spells with melee although quests are a grind themselves.
7. Perfect World
Provides very detailed character customization, lots of quests, a lot of content, weekly events and a very large world to explore.
6. Ragnaroak
Is been known to be one of the best 2D MMORPGs because of the amazing class system and lots of content and really competittive pvp.
5. Lord of the rings online
An MMORPG that recently became free has become very popular. It has very detailed graphics, great quest system and great gameplay.
4. Everquest
Everquest has been known to have amazing pvp that's why it is one of the most addictive MMORPGs out there with intense game play and very is competitive.
A 2D MMORPG that instantly became popular. It may be a grind, taking forever to level and have a high level cap as well as lack of quests, but it has a a very large amount of content to keep players busy.
2. Runescape
Those who play it love it, those who don't hate it. It's the most popular free MMORPG out there but it also involves a monthly subscription for extra content which includes the majority of the content. It has lots of skills, quests, dungeons and so much more
1. World of Warcraft
Of course the number one most addictive MMORPG is World of Warcraft. Although it isn't free you get a lot for what you pay for. It has endless amount of quests, lots of dungeons, and the most addictive part of the game is only after you reach level cap, that's when you start doing dungeons and raids for better equipment, trinkets and weapons. It is a very addictive MMORPG and is known for it.
Girls on MMORPGs
As a lot of people who play MMORPGSs know there are far more male players in the MMO market than females, and just because the gender of the character they pick is female doesn't mean the player is a female, in fact a lot of male players do pick female characters.
A lot of male players are convinced that there are very little if any girls that play MMOs, but they in fact do play them, but some MMOs are more more aimed at male than females or visa versa.
For example some MMORPGs that are aimed at the female audience include:
Whereas the MMORPGs that focus on the male audience more are:
It is obvious that girls would rather go for the cute, anime, fun non-competitive gameplay, laid back and casual MMOs. Where as guys go for MMOs that are competitive, violent, Pvp orientated and are more progressive. Although there are of course girls that like to play competitive, pvp etc.. games. But there majority of the players are without a doubt male.
A lot of male players are convinced that there are very little if any girls that play MMOs, but they in fact do play them, but some MMOs are more more aimed at male than females or visa versa.
For example some MMORPGs that are aimed at the female audience include:
- Hello kitty World
- Audition Online
- Maple Story
- Gaia Online
- Habbo Hotel
Whereas the MMORPGs that focus on the male audience more are:
- Cabal Online
- Runescape
- World of warcraft
- 9Dragons
- 4Story
It is obvious that girls would rather go for the cute, anime, fun non-competitive gameplay, laid back and casual MMOs. Where as guys go for MMOs that are competitive, violent, Pvp orientated and are more progressive. Although there are of course girls that like to play competitive, pvp etc.. games. But there majority of the players are without a doubt male.
Fantasy Tennis 2
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 500MB | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | No |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 500mb+ | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
For more Info on Pangya click here
Tales Runner
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.2GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | No |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2008 |
For more Info on Tales Runner click here
Project Powder
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 500MB+ | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2008 |
Football Superstars
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | No |
Download size | 389MB | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | No |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2008 |
Hunting MMORPGs
The Hunter
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | No |
Download size | 700mb+ | House system | No |
Player traffic | Low | Guild System | No |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | No | Release Date | Unknown |
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Anime Style MMORPGs Page 4
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Tales of pirates
Tales Runner
Kitsu Saga
Ether Saga
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Tales of pirates
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 469MB | House system | No |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2007 |
Tales Runner
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.2GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | No |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2008 |
For more Info on Tales Runner click here
PVP | Unknown | Dungeon system | Unknown |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Unknown |
Download size | None | House system | Unknown |
Player traffic | Low | Guild System | Unknown |
Mounts/Vehicles | Unknown | Marriage/Couple system | Unknown |
Item Mall | Unknown | Release Date | 2009 |
PVP | No | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 700mb+ | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2003 |
Kitsu Saga
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2010 |
Ether Saga
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.8GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
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Anime Style MMORPGs Page 3
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Maple Story
Monato Esprit
Myth Angels Online
Scions of Fate
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Maple Story
PVP | No | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 2.1GB | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | Very High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2005 |
Monato Esprit
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 675MB | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | Low | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
Myth Angels Online
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.5GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | Low | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2010 |
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.2GB | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2006 |
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 500mb+ | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
For more Info on Pangya click here
Scions of Fate
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 740mb | House system | No |
Player traffic | Medium | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2007 |
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Anime Style MMORPGs Page 2
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Grand Fantasia
Luna Online
Lunia Online
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PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 880MB | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | Very High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2005 |
PVP | No | Dungeon system | No |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | None | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2003 |
For more Info on Gaia click here
Grand Fantasia
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 750mb | House system | No |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
Luna Online
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 600mb | House system | Yes |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2009 |
Lunia Online
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.3GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | No | Marriage/Couple system | No |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2007 |
PVP | Yes | Dungeon system | Yes |
Free to play | Yes | Pet System | Yes |
Download size | 1.5GB | House system | No |
Player traffic | High | Guild System | Yes |
Mounts/Vehicles | Yes | Marriage/Couple system | Yes |
Item Mall | Yes | Release Date | 2004-2010 |
For more Info on Mabinogi click here
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